Saturday, December 12, 2015


I am Posting my very first blog belatedly in order to have all my posts within the same thread.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
One week to go
Posted by The Loan Officer at 9:22PM No comments:
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On August 11, 2011 I was indicted by the US Department of Justice as the “Mastermind” of a $66 million dollar mortgage fraud.
Since that time there has been much erroneous information written about me on the internet, I plan to put the story from my point of view.  The most important thing I want to say is “I’m Guilty”!  I would also like to state that I have absolutely no ill will toward the Government’s prosecuting team, or the FBI agents who investigated me.  The Judge who sentenced me is Robert Patterson, a decorated war veteran, who at 90+ years old was as compassionate as he could be under the “Federal Guidelines”.  Honestly, the Federal Government has a job to do once you are arrested.  They do not investigate cases unless they believe there will be a conviction.  The FBI agents and the government prosecutors want to come down hard on criminals.  I never realized until my indictment the type of serious criminal they believe I am.  I do now.
I am just as “happy” today as I have been for my entire life.  I am not bitter, and I do count my blessings!! Honestly, I think that everything happens for a reason and the best is yet to come.  I always enjoyed my life, seen the brighter side and laughed at what others stress over.  I still do.
Yes, they have taken my ability to have all that money, cars, condos, vacations, clothes, watches, shoes, etc, blah, blah and blah. I plan to get all those things again LEGALLY!
For the most part I have my health, my family and TRUE close friends.  Al those material items were a lot of fun.  I am still ME, with the money or not!  Oh yeah, once all the money was gone, all my “YES MEN” such as my attorneys, sales managers, co-workers, loan officers, loan processors and staff suddenly became “perfect citizens” and shunned me.  They made all this illegal money with me, but since they didn’t get caught, I was the bad guy.  Most of them, I am stunned were not indicted, but they have to live with the possibility the government can indict them at any time.  For me, it is over, and I am ready to serve my sentence, obey the law and move on.  Through it all I have the love, admiration and support of my oldest son, who I am forever proud of.  Likewise, my daughter feels the same and nothing has changed.  She has had a rockier road than any of us and is on the road to recovery.  More recently, she has come into her own and I love her and look forward to my time with her in the future.  Unfortunately I have not seen my youngest son anywhere near what I hoped for, and I’m afraid I won’t see him throughout my entire incarceration.  This is my greatest regret.  It is what I look forward to most when I am released.
I still have the passion to watch and follow everything about my favorite sports teams, NY JETS, NY KNICK and the NY METS; once incarcerated I’ll be watching my team in prison as well.  I play basketball with about 30 of the greatest guys in the universe.  We go out socially, and most of these guys pick up the tab.  I have been fortunate to be a guest at friend’s pools clubs, Hampton houses, and been invited to so many events, ranging from benefits for autistic children to holiday parties and private club functions.  I have found accepting people everywhere.
This entire process was made much clearer to me by reading various blogs on the internet.  I hope to inform others who, like me, got indicted, arrested and plead guilty, or were found guilty after trial.  I can only inform others who have been indicted by the Federal Government.  I also can count my blessings that I am being incarcerated by the FEDS.  Prison lore has it that the FEDS to a better job.  As I said, I have a lot of support from friends and family.  I enjoy as much as I can, with what little I have left. BTW.  Did I mention I wear an ankle bracelet? Yes, I do and sometimes I don’t even know it is on.  I go into the pool or ocean with it on and it has just become a part of my body.  I have a curfew, and over the past 22 months, it has never been violated.  So, socially, really nothing has changed, except I am completely broke.
I hope to help others who are facing what I am going through.  I plan to inform everyone who is interested with monthly updates about prison life to give a clearer picture of what it is truly like.  Two years ago, after I was initially indicted, I went through hell and was completely stressed out, not knowing what would happen.
I read a blog by Jonathan Soto.  It was a life saver.  He explained the process from indictment through incarceration in an easy to read form.  So I plan to do the same thing.
Blog writing is new to me.  I will be working with a very close friend to me update the blogs.  I still do not know where I’m being sent to serve my sentence.  I will post my address for anyone who would like to contact me.  I will do my best to answer via post mail or maybe on my blog.  It is all new to me so I cannot guarantee anything and I must conform to the rules of the institution where I will be incarcerated.